Liens Web - R

Des liens vers des sites traitant de l'environnement statistique R
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Dont R alone

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Embedding R in web page

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jQuery(function () { sagecell.makeSagecell({inputLocation: 'div.compute-r', evalButtonText: 'Evaluate', ... [Lire la suite]


161 | Aucun commentaire Aucune note
googleVis is an R package providing an interface between R and the Google Visualisation API. The functions of the package allow the user to visualise data with the Google Visualisation API without uploading their data to Google.


235 | Aucun commentaire Aucune note
Logiciel libre permettant de faire des analyses statistiques tr?s pouss?es.

R blogger

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R programming wikibooks

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This book is designed to be a practical guide to the R programming language[1]. R is free software designed for statistical computing. There is already great documentation for the standard R packages on the CRAN website[2] and also a coverage of... [Lire la suite]

R statistics blog

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The blog R-Statistics is intended as a collection basket for my ongoing exploration of R, Statistics, data, WordPress, blogging and open-source.


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