Data Manipulation in R

Data Manipulation in R

Data Manipulation in R

Course description

In this course, you will learn how to easily perform data manipulation using R software. We’ll cover the following data manipulation techniques:

  • filtering and ordering rows,
  • renaming and adding columns,
  • computing summary statistics

We’ll use mainly the popular dplyr R package, which contains important R functions to carry out easily your data manipulation. In the final section, we’ll show you how to group your data by a grouping variable, and then compute some summary statitistics on each subset. You will also learn how to chain your data manipulation operations.

At the end of this course, you will be familiar with data manipulation tools and approaches that will allow you to efficiently manipulate data.

Required R packages

We recommend to install the tidyverse packages, which include the dplyr package (for data manipulation) and additional R packages for easily reading (readr), transforming (tidyr) and visualizing (ggplot2) datasets.

  • Install:
  • Load the tidyverse packages, which also include the dplyr package:

Demo datasets

We’ll use mainly the R built-in iris data set, which we start by converting into a tibble data frame (tbl_df) for easier data analysis. tbl_df data object is a data frame providing a nicer printing method, useful when working with large data sets.

my_data <- as_tibble(iris)
## # A tibble: 150 x 5
##   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
##          <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl> <fct>  
## 1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2 setosa 
## 2          4.9         3            1.4         0.2 setosa 
## 3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2 setosa 
## 4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2 setosa 
## 5          5           3.6          1.4         0.2 setosa 
## 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4 setosa 
## # ... with 144 more rows

Note that, the type of data in each column is specified. Common types include:

  • int: integers
  • dbl: double (real numbers),
  • chr: character vectors, strings, texts
  • fctr: factor,
  • dttm: date-times (date + time)
  • lgl: logical (TRUE or FALSE)
  • date: dates

Main data manipulation functions

There are 8 fundamental data manipulation verbs that you will use to do most of your data manipulations. These functions are included in the dplyr package:

  • filter(): Pick rows (observations/samples) based on their values.
  • distinct(): Remove duplicate rows.
  • arrange(): Reorder the rows.
  • select(): Select columns (variables) by their names.
  • rename(): Rename columns.
  • mutate() and transmutate(): Add/create new variables.
  • summarise(): Compute statistical summaries (e.g., computing the mean or the sum)

It’s also possible to combine each of these verbs with the function group_by() to operate on subsets of the data set (group-by-group).

All these functions work similarly as follow:

  • The first argument is a data frame
  • The subsequent arguments are comma separated list of unquoted variable names and the specification of what you want to do
  • The result is a new data frame

You will learn how to use these functions, as well as, how to chain your data manipulation operations using the pipe operator (%>%).

Note that, dplyr package allows to use the forward-pipe chaining operator (%>%) for combining multiple operations. For example, x %>% f is equivalent to f(x). Using the pipe (%>%), the output of each operation is passed to the next operation. This makes R programming easy.


  1. This tutorial describes how to subset or extract data frame rows based on certain criteria. Additionally, we'll describe how to subset a random number or fraction of rows. You will also learn how to remove rows with missing values in a given column.
  2. This tutorial introduces how to easily compute statistcal summaries in R using the dplyr package. You will learn, how to compute summary statistics for ungrouped data, as well as, for data that are grouped by one or multiple variables.

Comments ( 9 )

  • Anteneh Abewa

    How can I put/display the first column from numeric to text?

    • Kassambara

      You can simply use this:

       my_data[, 1] <- as.character(my_data[, 1])

      or use dply verbs and specify the column by name:

      iris <- iris %>%
        mutate(Sepal.Length = as.character(Sepal.Length))
  • Abdoulaye Sarr

    I am trying to put my data on a format compatible with HiClimR like TestCase of the package::

                   1949  1950  1951  1952  1953  1954  1955  1956  1957  1958  1959  1960  1961  1962  1963
    -19.75,-39.75    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
    -19.75,-38.75    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
     [1] -19.75 -18.75 -17.75 -16.75 -15.75 -14.75 -13.75 -12.75 -11.75 -10.75  -9.75  -8.75  -7.75  -6.75
     [1] -39.75 -38.75 -37.75 -36.75 -35.75 -34.75 -33.75 -32.75 -31.75 -30.75 -29.75 -28.75 -27.75 -26.75
    [15] -

    My data is in netcdf I read using below command:
    lon <- ncvar_get(nc, "lon")
    lat <- ncvar_get(nc, "lat")
    time <- ncvar_get(nc, "time")
    pr<-ncvar_get(nc, "pre")
    How can I create the datframe compatible with HiClimR? similar to the TestCase in the package?

    • Kassambara

      Your question is very specific to the HiClimR. You need to refer to the package documentation.

  • Abdoulaye Sarr

    I have a matrix with column data as years as date but when using as.Date it expects something %y%m%d how to rename column to %Y only as date but not character?
    example 2001-01-01 rename as 2001
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

  • Jing Lyu

    Hi, the courses only have text, no video?

    • Kassambara

      Hi, there is no video for the course

  • Azzeddine REGHAIS

    How can I start lessons

  • Andi

    May i know how you create those green chunks and that check mark at the top left corner?

    Oh, how to add those square icon of unordered list?

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